Robust management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns are at the core of what we do and how we work. Coppice seeks to embed a responsible approach to ESG management throughout the business.
Coppice adopts an environmental policy which sets standards that meet or exceed industry guidelines and host government regulations. This is reviewed on a regular basis. Wherever we operate, we will develop, implement and maintain management systems for sustainable development that will strive for continual improvement.
An Environmental Management Plan will be developed and implemented for all seismic and drilling campaigns. At the point of discovery, a comprehensive Environmental Management System will be developed to co-ordinate and monitor mitigation measures throughout the fields’ lifetime, from development to abandonment.

The social impacts of every project will also be assessed with care and every effort made to ensure lasting benefits are provided to host communities in each jurisdiction in which we operate. Our aim is to ensure that all the likely environmental and socioeconomic impacts will be managed with skill, care, and diligence in accordance with professional standards.
Coppice maintains and requires the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities with regard to gifts, hospitality, corruption, fraud, the use of inside information and whistleblowing. Coppice has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery.
Protection of people and robust health, safety and security management is of primary importance to the Coppice team. Our policies and procedures have been developed to ensure that the company conducts its operations in such a way as to protect the health, safety and security of its employees, its contractors and all those affected by Coppice’s activities.